Ge­gen den Wind sur­fen.
Di­gi­tal. In Frei­heit.

freisatz – Gegen den Wind surfen – There is no Cloud

Ge­misch­tes Fut­ter, zu The­men un­se­res di­gi­ta­len Le­bens.

Many of us know that go­vern­ments can th­rea­ten the hu­man rights of soft­ware users th­rough cen­sor­ship and sur­veil­lan­ce of the In­ter­net. Many do not rea­li­ze that the soft­ware they run on their home or work com­pu­ters can be an even worse th­re­at. Thin­king of soft­ware as «just a tool», they sup­po­se that it obeys them, when in fact it of­ten obeys others in­s­tead.

Ri­chard Stall­man, Grün­der des GNU-Pro­jekts

14./15. Juni 2025: Fran­zis­kus 2.0 im Matt­li An­to­ni­us­haus, Mor­schach

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